Dolmen Arch Outline and Index

The following is the work of Karen Fisher, an initiate of the Dolmen Arch system, and is presented here for students of the teachings.


Volume 1: The Lesser Mysteries

Introduction. Introduction to the course: history of the material and the idea, sources, acknowledgments  xi

(1) Gradd y Newyddian (Novice)

Introduction to the Grade. Mystery school definition, Druid Revival, instructions for study  3

The Seven Cantrefs. Four material elements plus three energetic currents, table of correspondences      9

The Sphere of Protection. Introduction to daily basic ritual, Elemental Cross, Circulation of Light   17

Introduction to Meditation. Discursive meditation; choice of theme, relaxing the body, breathing, meditating         21

The Mabinogion: Pwyll, Prince of Dyfed. Meeting and testing of Pwyll and Rhiannon, birth of Pryderi       27

Foundations of Druid Philosophy. Concepts of Awen, Annwn, manifestation           51

The Magical Memory: Introduction. Memory training: attention and concentration  71

Completion Exercise: Establishing the Self. Understanding that I am not my body  83

(2) Gradd y Damcaniwr (Theoretician)          89

Introduction to the Grade.       91

Colors and Color Breathing. Complementary colors, color wheel     95

Calling of the Cantrefs. Sphere of Protection: Cantrefs in sequence, complete SOP          101

Meditation: Seven Ways of Thought. Assocation, sequence, quality, polarity, composition, category, symbolism, with exercises 111

The Mabinogion: Branwen, Daughter of Llyr. Branwen’s marriage, the expedition to Ireland, battle and destruction, the journey of the Wondrous Head     115

Druid Philosophy: The One Life. Nature of nwyfre, expression or manifestation of Awen   133

Magical Memory: Acquiring Impressions. Attention and interest; exercises using objects    155

Completion Exercises: Focusing the Self. Imagining the self apart from the physical body 163

(3) Gradd yr Ymarferiwr (Practitioner)           167

Introduction to the Grade.       169

Three Currents and Three Cauldrons. Solar, telluric, lunar currents; Three Cauldrons working       173

Awakening of the Solar Plexus. Physical and psychological meaning and use of the solar plexus 179

Meditation: Sevenfold Wheel of Thought. Seven concepts, seven questions, ways to approach and explore topics of meditation       195

The Mabinogion: Manawyddan Son of Llyr. Manawyddan, Pryderi, Rhiannon, Cigfa, enchantment and recovery            199

Druid Philosophy: The Way of Evolution. Circles of manifestation, Abred, Gwynfydd, Ceugant, also Annwn; fate (past choices and habits) and destiny (future potential with will)       215

Magical Memory: Memory of Sight. Attention to visual details          231

Completion Exercises: Liberating the Self. Understanding that the personality is not the essential self       241

(4) Gradd yr Arthroniwr (Philosophizer)                      247

Introduction to the Grade.       249

Seven Cosmic Laws. Unity, Polarity, Balance, Causation, Vibration, Correspondence, Circularity 253

Awakening of the Dragons. Rising Dragons exercise            257

Awakening the Inner Power. Grand Psychic Breath (inhaling into body parts), Seven Nwyfre exercises (breath with movement), opening and charging the palm centers 261

The Mabinogion: Math Son of Mathonwy. Death of Pryderi, Gwydion fosters Lleu, prepares him, betrayal, sacrifice, recovery and final perfection  271

Druid Philosophy: Cosmos and the Nature of Law. Cosmic law, planes of manifestation, levels of the individual (personality, will, individuality) 295

Magical Memory: Memory of Sound. Listening exercises    319

Completion Exercises: Orienting the Self. Personality and will         329

Volume 2: The Greater Mysteries

(5) Gradd y Gwyddon y Ffordd (Loremaster of the Path)     1

Introduction to the Grade.       3

Healing, Magic, and Initiation. The privileges of the initiated Druid    7

The Tree of Light. Continuing extension of the SOP  13

Introduction to the Art of Druid Healing. Palm centers, self-healing practice            17

Introduction to the Art of Druid Enchantment. Nature, ethics, practice         25

Introduction to the Art of Druid Initiation. Self-initiation           33

The Mabinogion: Lludd and Llefelys. Meaning of the four branches; story of how the good king protects his people            39

Druid Philosophy: Non-Human Beings. Nonmaterial beings, planes, evolution        51

Magical Memory: Laws of Memory. 13 principles for using memory           71

Completion Practice: The Doctrine of One. Self in relation to the One Life  87

(6) Gradd y Gwyddon y Cylch (Loremaster of the Circle)    93

Introduction to the Grade.       95

The Cycle of the Cantrefs. The Cantrefs in terms of time and change         99

The Magic of the Grail. Magical working developed from the SOP and its extensions        105

The Art of Druid Healing. Healing another person      109

Practical Enchantment. Using the method     115

The Game of the Cantrefs. Dominoes game for single player          123

The Mabinogion: The Dream of Macsen Wledig. The conscious soul seeking its individuality         129

Druid Philosophy: The Seven Cosmic Laws. Fuller explanation of each law            141

The Magical Memory: A System of Memory.[1] Method and practice of memorizing text     167

Completion Exercises: Mastering the Opposites. Separation of self from emotions and desires     179

(7) Gradd y Gwyddon Rhydd (Free Loremaster)      185

Introduction to the Grade.       187

The Cycle of the Cantrefs in History and Initiation. Two examples of the cycle       191

A Guide to Initiation in the Dolmen Arch Tradition.     201

The Secret Work of the Grail. Use of the Grail Working for healing, enchantment, and initiation    205

The Initiatory Game of the Cantrefs. Games for two players            211

The Mabinogion: The Story of Taliesin. The cycle of perfecting the soul      217

Druid Philosophy: The Powers of Mind. Mentalism   231

Addendum: Practical Mentalism. Practices   253

The Magical Memory: Practical Memory. Practical applications      265

Completion Exercises: The Way of the Dolmen Arch. Course review          277



(Number in bold indicates the volume)

Abred, Circle of, 1:216–30, 241, 296, 299–301, 317, 2:7, 61, 89, 105, 164

affirmation, 2:257–58, 262

Air (element), 1:10, 102, 176, 266, 268

Annwn, 1:57–63, 95, 139, 143, 153, 216–24, 301–2, 2:52–53, 55, 61, 105

AODA, 1:ix–xii

Arawn, 1:30–34, 272, 274, 2:39, 42, 2:57

Arianrhod, 1:271–72, 281–86, 2:41, 55

Arthur, King, 2:42–43, 106

astral plane, 1:304–12, 2:8, 10, 37, 66–68

Atkinson, William Walker, 1:x

attention, 1:76–80, 155–58

Awen, 1:5, 52–57, 59, 61, 63–64, 66, 95, 108, 137, 153, 170, 178, 230, 296–97, 302, 2:60, 87, 105, 146

Awyr (First Cantref), 1:10, 190, 195–96, 101n, 2:100, 192, 195–96; Calling of, 1:101–3

Balance, Law of, 1:11, 64, 254, 2:143, 159–61

bard, 1:208

Bear, 1:12, 18, 105

Blake, William, 1:51

Blodeuwedd, 1:272, 286–92, 2:41–42

Bran the Blessed, 1:116–31, 200, 2:40, 55

Branwen, 1:115–28, 131

Brigid, 1:18, 104

bryd (will), 1:84, 2:179

Byw (Seventh Cantref), 1:14, 191, 196, 2:103, 194–95, 197; Calling of, 1:108

bywyd (life force), 1:84, 175, 185, 219, 310, 2:41, 91, 179

Calas (substance), 1:61, 66, 142

Cantref, Seven Cantrefs, 1:9–15, 95–99, 173, 189–91, 193, 195–96, 200, 2:40, 43, 99–103, 119–21, 124; Calling of (SOP), 1:101–9, 2:15, 29–31; correspondences, 1:10–14, 2:43; Cycle of the Cantrefs, 2:99–103, 191–99

Cauldron, of the Earth, 1:175–76, 179, 258–59, 2:23; of the Moon, 1:176, 258–59, 2:23; of the Sun, 1:176, 179, 258–59, 2:23

Causation, Law of, 1:12, 65, 254, 2:142, 151–54

Cêd, 1:13, 106, 176

Celi, 1:13, 107, 177

Ceridwen, 1:18, 19, 2:219–22, 228

Ceugant, Circle of, 1:216–30, 296, 299, 301, 317, 2:53–54, 59, 60, 96

Christ (Jesus), 1:107

Cigfa, 1:49, 199–208, 2:41–42

Circularity, Law of, 1:14, 65, 255, 2:142–45

Circulation of Light, 1:17, 19–20, 101, 178, 2:15–16, 108

cleansing breath, 1:23, 2:19

cof (memory), 1:84

color breathing, 1:95, 98–99, 2:19, 29

color, philosophy of, 1:95–96; exercises, 1:96–97

concentration, 1:76–80, 2:259–60

corff (body), 1:175, 219, 310–11, 2:8, 21, 91

Correspondence, Law of, 1:14, 65, 255, 2:142, 145–47

Daear (Fourth Cantref), 1:12, 191, 196, 2:101, 193, 195, 197; Calling of, 1:105–6

Dagda, 1:18, 107

daily recall exercise, 1:80–81

Danu, 1:18, 106

destiny, 1:224–28

dragon, red, 1:13, 257; white, 1: 257; Awakening or Rising, 1:258–59, 2:13, 15, 105, 107

Dŵr (Second Cantref), 1:10, 115, 191, 195–96, 2:101, 193, 195–96; Calling of, 1:103–4

Earth (element), 1:12, 105–6, 176, 266, 268

Efnisien, 1:116, 118, 126–27, 2:40

Einigan the Giant, 1:5–6, 92

elaeth (individuality), 1:84, 219, 311, 316–17, 2:9

Elemental Cross, 1:17–19, 101, 176, 179, 257, 2:15

Elen, 1:12, 105, 2:130, 132, 134–38

enaid, 1:175 (higher self), 2:14, 21, 25, 41, 91, 112, 242–43, 255–56 (energy body)

enchantment, 2:7, 9–10, 25–31, 115–21

Esus, 1:11, 103

ethics, of enchantment, 2:27–28; of healing, 2:110–11

evocation, 2:58–59, 63

fate, 1:224–30, 2:28

Fire (element), 1:11, 104–5, 176, 266, 268

Game of the Cantrefs, 2:123–28; basic form, 2:124–25; initatory game, 2:211–15; intermediate form, 2:125–28

Gilfaethwy, 1:272–74, 277–80

Grail, 2:106–7; Grail Working, 2:107–8, 119; Secret Work of the Grail, 2:205–7

Grand Psychic Breath, 1:261–63, 2:25, 29

Guest, Lady Charlotte, 1:29, 116, 272

Gwion Bach, 1:27; 2:219–20

Gwyar (motion), 1:61, 67, 142

Gwydion, 1:272–91, 2:41, 55, 59

Gwynfydd, Circle of, 1:102, 216–30, 296, 299, 301, 309, 317, 2:10, 41–42, 52–53, 64, 95, 105–6, 199

Halls, of the Elements, 2:54–56; of the Hollow Forms, 1:305–9, 2:61–62; of Light, 1:305–6; of Nature, 2:54–56; of Splendor, 2:54, 56–57, 59–61, 64; of Thought, 1:305–7

Hawk, 1:10, 18, 102

healing, 2:7–10, 17–24, 33, 36, 109–14

Hesus, 1:18, 19

hunan (personality), 1:83–84, 175, 219, 310–12, 2:9, 34, 41, 91

Hu the Mighty, 1:10, 18, 102

individuality, 1:84, 219, 311, 316–17, 2:9, 179–81

imagination, 2:260–61

initiation, 2:7, 10, 33–38, 191, 195–99, 201–4, 207–10; greater form, 2:208–9; lesser form, 2:207–8

intentionality, 2:117–19, 179–80

invocation, 2:58

Kim (Kipling), 1:158–62, 233, 244–45

Levi, Eliphas, 1:173–74

Llefelys, 2:39, 42–49, 129

Llew Llaw Gyffes, 1:27, 271–72, 281–93, 2:39, 41

Lludd, 2:39, 42–49, 129

lunar current, 1:175, 271, 2:13, 37

Mabon, 1:14, 27

Macsen Wledig, 2:129–39

Maen (Fifth Cantref), 1:12–13, 191, 196, 2:17, 102, 194–95, 197; Calling of, 1:106–7

Mabinogion, 1:27–29, 115–31, 199–213, 271–93, 2:39–49, 129–39, 187, 219–29

magic lantern formula, 2:263–64

Manawyddan, 1:116–19, 126–29, 199–211, 2:40–41, 43, 55

material plane, 1:304, 307, 2:8, 37

Math, 1:271–91, 2:57

Matholwch, 1:117–25

meddwl (thought), 1:84

meditation, 1:21–26, 111–14, 195–98, 2:201

memory training, 1:71–81, 155–62, 231–39, 319–27, 2:71–85, 167–78, 202, 265–76

mentalism, 2:232–51; practical methods, 2:253–64

Menw the Old, 1:6, 92

Metatron, 1:13

Morganwg, Iolo (Barddas), 1:5

mystery school, 1:3, 15, 2:3–4

Nef (Sixth Cantref), 1:13, 191, 196, 2:102, 194–95, 197; Calling of, 1:107–8

Nisien, 1:116, 127, 2:40

Niwalen, 1:18, 19

nwyd (passion), 1:84, 175, 185, 219, 310–11, 2:9, 41, 91, 179

nwyfre (One Life, consciousness), 1:16, 61, 64, 68, 134–53, 173, 176, 179, 184, 186, 192, 216–27, 257, 261–69, 308, 2:14–15, 17, 21, 23–24, 28–29, 35, 51, 55, 60, 105, 112, 117–23, 146, 205, 234–35, 240–44, 258; Seven Nwyfre Exercises, 1: 263–65, 2:25

OBOD, 1:ix

One Life, 1:9, 17, 72, 133–53, 165–66, 170, 173, 179, 184, 191, 216–30, 241, 257, 309, 2:51, 87–91, 105–6, 235–36

Ovate, 1:115, 208

palm centers, 1:265–69, 2:17–24, 112–13; awakening, 1:265–67, 2:19–20; charging, 1:267–69

Path, of Ascent, 2:52–52, 96, 105; of Descent, 2:52–56, 61, 64–65

Polarity, Law of, 1:11, 64,  254, 2:143, 154–59, 236–37

Pryderi (Mabon), 1:27–28, 43–49, 115, 199–213, 271–72, 274–78, 2:39–42

Pwyll, Prince of Dyfed, 1:27–49, 111, 115, 199, 271–72, 274, 2:39–41

Pythagoras, 1:5, 135

reincarnation, 1:215–24

Rhiannon, 1:35–48, 128, 131, 199–213, 2:40–41, 55

Salmon, 1:11, 18, 103

Schopenhauer, 1:59, 136

self-healing, instructions, 2:21–24

Seven Cosmic Laws, 1:63–65, 253–55, 296–97, 2:143–66, 191, 236–51 passim

Seven Ways of Thought, 1:111–14

Sevenfold Wheel of Thought, 1:195–98, 2:123–24, 173–77

solar current, 1:174–175, 257, 266, 2:13–15, 17–24, 112–13

solar plexus, 1:179–93, 259; awakening exercise, 1:188–89

Sphere of Protection (SOP), 1:17–20, 176, 258, 308, 311, 2:10, 14–16, 29, 36, 105–8, 120, 205, 255; Calling of the Cantrefs, 1:101–9

Spirit Above, 1:13, 107–8, 174, 176–78, 2:15

Spirit Below, 1:13, 106–7, 174, 176–77, 2:15

Spiritualism, 2:64, 68

spiritual plane, 1:304–6, 2:8, 37

Spirit Within, 1:14, 108, 175–76, 178, 2:15

Stag, 1:10, 18, 104

Sul, 1:11, 104

Taliesin, 1:27–28, 2:187, 217–29

Tao, 1:56

teaching the Dolmen Arch, 2:201–4

telluric current, 1:174–76, 257, 266, 2:13–15, 17–24, 112–13

Three Cauldrons, 1:257–59, 2:15, 105, 107, 113; Working, 1:176–78

Three Rays of Light, 1:5–6, 9, 52, 92

Tree of Light, 2:13–16, 18, 105, 107

Ufel (Third Cantref), 1:11, 191, 195–96, 2:101, 193, 195–96; Calling of, 1:104–5

Unity, Law of, 1:10, 64,  253–54, 2:143, 162–64

vibration (of names), 1:101

Vibration, Law of, 1:13, 65, 254, 2:142, 147–51; use of, 2:258

visualization, 2:257–58

Water (element), 1:11, 103, 176, 266, 268

will, 1:146, 224, 227–30, 315–16, 331, 2:10, 34, 115–17, 145, 168–69, 179–81, 237, 254–64

[1] Note that the title on the chapter opener is “The Laws of Memory,” which is the title of the memory exercises in Grade 5.